2022 is wellness and economical focused year. I'm working on myself and rebuilding my design portfolio. I am seeking to improve my life in many ways. This made me push gyaru to the side, but not the makeup part of it... more like I was sick of trying to look the part to everyone's eyes. It took so much energy from me and I accomplished nothing. So I decided to let go of that wrong mentality and move on.
I'm turning 30 this year, so I am starting to clean and take priority on myself and my life ahead. I tuned out from being glued to the news, social media and even retail therapy.
Of course also my diet and weight loss journey had to be refocused and rearranged. Turning down the noise of the external voices and expectations shaped my own internal mindset.
I have reached burnout like most of my generation when there seems to be no escape from a mediocre and shitty lifestyle. Someday, I hope to help younger generations avoid that BS that we were fed. We don't need to push ourselves aside in order to be effective workers. I noticed that having mental breakdowns and crying on my desk every morning was not the life I wanted.
In truth, I have accomplished so much on my own... however, I believe that more can be done and that I indeed deserve more than what I have. My career as a designer has barely started, but it's time to give it a push. The next level will need all my focus and dedication.
For now, I'm happy going out once in a while, doing my makeup when I have the energy to enjoy it and my bare face is equally as hot and interesting as the snatched one.
My priorities for 2022 and beyond
- Eating well and drinking water to reduce water retention
- Gaining a healthy fitness level (covid fucked my lungs)
- Going out more and meeting real-life friends
- Reaching my savings goal
- Eliminate credit card debt
- Continue with my orthodontic treatment
- Build a new portfolio and website
- Get more illustration experience
- Move in with my love
- Get better at Apex Legends (xD)
ResponderEliminarYo noté tu stop (en realidad lo hemos hecho muchos) no solo subiendo contenido si no de actividad online. Y creo que es lo mejor que se puede hacer, porque acabas orbitando por todos lados y al final no disfrutas en realidad de nada.
O eso me pasa a mí, al menos.
El último objetivo xDDD
Nos leemos <3
Si, me di cuenta que dure mucho tiempo obsesionada por querer tener presencia en redes.... pero a este paso es muy dificil alcanzar a la juventud XD! Creo que es bueno disfrutar de lo que nos gusta con tranquilidad <3
EliminarMe encanta eso de priorizarse uno mismo, a veces no nos damos cuenta de que hay tantas cosas que nos abruman y ni siquiera vienen de nosotros mismos, son del entorno o demás y nos mantienen ahí. Creo que estamos en una fase similar sobre algunas de las metas para el año, espero que las cumplas todas <3