jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021

A Pretty Honest What's in my bag

Just a note with thoughts of mine:

We love to curate our lives to the max. It has always been the case since we realized that monetizing ourselves was the true way of making a living. Somehow it's rare to find a person using social media who wouldn't wish to be an influencer of some sort. Lately this kinds of thoughts come and go in my already noisy brain. I struggle with keeping my calm, I should be living this life worry free. 

Funny enough, my family, my partner and even my best friends keep a good distance from social media. They live their lives everyday, no extra worries. However, why do I crave the connection that engament on Instagram provides? Why do I have so much hunger for being noticed? 
I know a lot of times people comment om this being symptoms of low self-esteem... Then, aren't we collectively seeking for approval? All of this doesn't have a definite answer, just things that I question lately. I enjoy the connection I get when on Twitch, I love long conversations about life and my friends and followers provide that for me. However, when it comes to what attracts the most starts by a curated image. An important question. Who am I? Because to be honest, I'm a fucking messy person, probably too clumsy and naturally lame. I'm too lame to also be relatable. 

I like to rant and vent, right? LOL my closests ones know I'm actually pretty cool and fun. I know I'm cool (lol), just not to everyone's eyes I guess?
This is me trying to stay organized, but tbh this is like 10% of my reality. I was going to lie, but this was after I cleaned and decided to add it to my Saturday blog. 
Can you see it? My brain: you need to keep everything... what if you need it? OMG THERE IT WAS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TOTEBAG!
I clean often, but my truth is chaos. Life is meant to be messy, or so I've come to understand.
A small portion of my desk. Why do I have so many things to distract me from the real tasks? LOL.

I like to disect and analyze everything, lol. I just wonder how can I transform and adapt to a more princess-like lifestyle? I'm a real woman, with real problems and struggles. 

This is not a critique to anyone but myself? I'm coming clean to myself. Can I be kawaii and a fucking mess at the same time?( ´ ▿ ` ) We'll find out, I won't stop trying. Just need 10+ years than everyone else. 




3 comentarios:

  1. I related to this post so much. I'm staying away from most social media because it caused so much harm to me as a person. I don't consider my blog as SNS so it doesn't count, but I don't login on Instagram for weeks and avoid using twitter too. The constant seek for approval is really harmful.
    I hope you're doing fine!!!!!

  2. Me siento identificada con tus palabras... las rrss pueden aportar tantas cosas buenas pero a la vez también taaaantas cosas malas... hay que saber cuando parar y alejarse si es necesario, y si hay que desahogarse, hacerlo con tus personas de confianza (aquí me tienes para lo que necesites <3).

    PD. Luego me pregunto yo por qué tengo tantos dolores de espalda si cargo mis bolsos/mochilas con miles de cosas que luego ni uso ni necesito... pero siempre en mi cabeza salta el típico "y si lo necesito usar, qué?" xD es frustrante!

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.


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