jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021

Phone Blog #6: Twitch+Life Updates

Weather was so crazy last week! We are supposed to be entertaining winter soon but it was like 90°
So I took the chance to use my Punyus platforms. They are not that comfy... so I dont use them they are also bigger than what I expected cuz I bought a 10US instead of 9US... so Japanese shoes are true to size kkkk
I changed my phonecase to something less bulky for now... I think is a really cute case with hearts 💕 
(CW: my feet)..・ヾ(。><)シ..・ヾ(。><)シ..・ヾ(。><)シ..・ヾ(。><)シ
I took the time to get a pedi... I wanted a mani, but I want to do some art myself for the BTS concert. I still don't have an outfit... but if everything fails I'll use my LL OP. It's a special occasion... although I wanted to wear blue.

My everyday is eventful, but not on the same way everyone's seems to be... I'm back to streaming on Twitch... but I'm thinking on changing from Streamlabs due to some controversy that's going on with them. I also struggle a lot with my microphone settup, I know nothing about audio. \(º □ º l|l)/
However, I feel better mentally when it comes to being on camera. I had a bad episode where I felt really unhappy and bored about my stream and not having viewers. The truth is, there's hard work to put in if I want to experience growth. So I'll keep at it, because I enjoy playing chatting.
ヽ(;^ ^)ノ゙ ...…___〇
Regarding next month, I have a trip to meet my love and her family. Is my first time in a different country than México and the USA. It will be a great experience and hopefully a stepping stone for our relationship. We have been LDR for three years now. I know ppl don't think it works, but it does. Is difficult, but not impossible. The difficult part is all the freaking paperwork to enter Chile 〣( ºΔº )〣
However, I'm excited to go there and meet some Chilean gals if possible! I will be doing my nails with Mizaki. My sis and I are really big fans of her work, so she will order a presson set. I'll make sure to document everything!

Anyways, that's my ramble for today. I have more stuff to talk about, but I will do it next time!
( - _・)


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Life lately

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