jueves, 16 de junio de 2022

My Orthodontics' Progress Update!

I just want to share my experience with my dental procedures and to document my journey.
To be honest, I was made fun of a lot because of my teeth... and funny enough I liked them to some extent. They helped me shape my personality and to not care about looking strange nor ridiculous. In fact, being judged from my appearance speaks more about the outsiders' obsession and their ill intent.

I had reflected that getting braces would be because of problems I want to avoid in the future. It's not physically painful as I thought... not as much as how strange I feel with an ever-changing face. 

 I started orthodontic procedures last year in October and so far my facial structure has changed quite a bit. 

Pre-braces VS. Now

The balance is off somehow! Maybe it's just me that goes crazy while looking in the mirror?
Regardless, I forgot how to do my makeup as stunning and grand as I used to do it.
I need to practice more... probably will start to try my best to do gyaru everyday... 
I'm so frustrated cuz between work, cooking, cleaning and doctor appointments my time flies away... I'm not as free as I used too. So it has become easier for me to just chill and play games.

Will I be a productive gal again? Or is my upcoming big 30 the end of it all? We'll find out... for now I care more about finding balance and peace. 

Anyways, that was on my mind today.... It's almost Friyay! So now it's time for bed.

2 comentarios:

  1. Yo siempre soy de decir que si te quita el tiempo todo, mejor hagas lo que disfrutes más en ése momento. Es mejor montarse un buen look cada X tiempo que hacerlo cada día y acabar odiando lo que te has autoimpuesto.

    Yo me puse brackets tarde también y la verdad es que valen muuuucho la pena!

  2. Lookin good! I remember having braces. I didn't like them very much XD But they are helpful!
    And don't you worry about the "big 30". Unless you say something is done, age has nothing to do with how far you wanna go. Trust me. This whole stigma about ending things you love by a certain age is major bs. That's what society wants to force us to believe. But as gals, we know how to flip off what society wants to tell us. I can't enforce it enough to just continue to love what you love and be yourself. And don't worry, you'll find a way to include gal in your routines. ♥


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