jueves, 23 de junio de 2022

Time to Become Stronger >:)


I've been working out a little this week, I went from not able to do a warm up to slowly increase the time. To be honest I am not sure if it's just about my physical endurance or my brain not wanting me to continue.... but going past the 15 minute mark is so stressful... Regardless, I will keep trying.

My goal not really about losing weight, more like pushing my self to endure walking and standing for longer. My life is pretty sedentary, because my job is being glued to my desk for 8 hours. Also, for anxiety attacks it's supposed to aid as well...

This summer I have a work trip to Las Vegas and it would be nice for me to not get as exhausted as the previous times. Working at an expo means a 8 to 6 day, plus the work dinners afterwards. I have been to this expo twice already and I want to feel my best.

Also, it doesn't help that everyone there is super fashionable and hot.. like seriously a lot of sales people are incredibly polished and make me feel a bit odd.

I have some shopping planned for this event and I hope to work on myself to feel more energetic and hot.
I'm not a sales person... but I think the brains and kindness I bring to the team would be better displayed if I looked spotless.

I will update you with my progress and some related entries about the coords I want to take! Hope to make myself proud!

Now that's it for today! Time for some gaming before bed!

PS: Did you like my new banner?


2 comentarios:

  1. Ay yo también intento salir de ese pozo del sedentarismo pero parece que todo vaya en mi contra (o busco que sea así).

    Lo mejor es no compararte con alguien del trabajo o del gimnasio mismo, si no en contigo misma y en los pequeños progresos. ganbatte o como se diga xdddddddddd

  2. También quiero comenzar a ejercitarme pero de verdad me da mucha flojera 🙈 además estoy cansada de los mismos ejercicios, tengo ganas de comenzar a practicar yoga, quizá si encontramos algo que nos guste nos sea más fácil 😵


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